Welcome to Suraj charitable
Welcome to Suraj Charitable Trust, where our passion lies in the welfare of animals, children, and communities. We are dedicated to running cow shelters, rescuing and providing a safe haven for animals and birds, educating underprivileged children, distributing raw food materials and clothing to those in need, and organizing free medical camps for essential healthcare services. Our team of volunteers and professionals work tirelessly to create a compassionate and inclusive society, where every being is valued and cared for. Join us today and contribute towards making a lasting impact on the lives of those in need. Together, we can build a brighter future for all.
Our Mission
We are dedicated to promoting compassion, welfare, and protection for animals, as well as ensuring the well-being and empowerment of children and women.
Our Values
Compassion for all beings. Empathy towards the vulnerable. Respect for life. Equality and justice for animals, children, and women.

What We Do
MID-Day Meal
Cow Shelter & Rescue
Animals & Bird Shelter
Women Empowerment
Child Education
Clothes Distribution
Raw Food Material Distribution
Medical Awareness Camp
Our mission is to promote health and well-being within communities through accessible healthcare services. We organize and conduct
1. Free Medical Camps
2. Offer essential screenings and check-ups
3. Eye checkups
4. Diabetes tests, and blood pressure monitoring camps
These camps serve as an opportunity for individuals who may not have regular access to healthcare facilities to receive much-needed medical attention. Our dedicated team of healthcare professionals and volunteers provide thorough examinations, offer advice on healthy living, and raise awareness about preventive measures. In addition to diagnostics, we also collaborate with pharmaceutical companies and local pharmacies to provide free medicine distribution, ensuring that individuals can receive the necessary medications to manage their health conditions